Thursday, April 13, 2006

Peeky Eggs

Ever since I was a small child and read the classic book The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes by Du Bose Heyward and illustrated by Marjorie Flack, I've been captivated by those peeky eggs like the one the wise, kind, swift and brave bunny delivers to the sick child on the mountain top. I was thrilled to get a small peeky egg one year in my own Easter basket. I tried hard to obey my mom's admonishments not to eat it because it contained raw egg whites and might make me sick. But it was irrestistable, and for weeks I took secretive licks of the bottom -- until I managed to dissolve enough of the base that the whole scene fell right out of the egg. Oops. At least I didn't get sick and die.

A few years ago, I found an old library book with instructions on how to make your own "panoramic eggs" as they're really called. Since then, I've made the eggs many times with my kids, their friends, and my nephews and nieces. We use powdered egg whites or pasteurized ones so nobody is reduced to secret licking and risking deadly diseases. The book I used is Easter Eggs for Everyone by Evelyn Coskey (Abingdon Press, 1973) and the instructions are very thorough. Also, here's a website with links to instructions for making panoramic eggs and many other fancy Easter eggs.

Happy Easter or Passover or any other spring holiday you're celebrating.

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